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Planning Department (Employment Guarantee Scheme)

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Monitoring Initiatives


Since FY 2021-22, The MoRD, Govt of India had introduced Area Officer App as an important monitoringmechanism for facilitating implementation of its scheme including MGNREGS. The Area Officer apphas 3 level of monitoring by different officials at State, District level, All Technical Engineers and GP level of the scheme. The progress of area officer app can be viewed here.

To strengthen rural livelihood resource base for rural poor through creation of durable assets is an important objective under the MGNREGS. With an objective to improving the transparency and to enhance the visibility of the programme, MoRD, Govt of India has designed a unique solution by integrating space technology and asset tracking management solution under the project GeoMGNREGA with a vision to make geotagged asset data under MGNREGStransparent and available in the public domain which is accessible to all. The Geotaggin is carried with the mobile application.

The objective was creatinga Geographical Information System (GIS) solution to visualize analyze and explore such asset related data and manage them more effectively for better implementation of the programme. The MGNREGS assets was geotagged in two phases

GeoMGNREGA Phase-I – One stage geotagging of the assets created before 1st November 2017.

GeoMGNREGA Phase-II – This phase was rolled out from 1st November 2017, under this three-stage geotagging was carried out as follows

  1. Stage 1 (Before start of the work)
  2. Stage 2 (During 

GIS-based planning under MGNREGS is an initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development which helps the Gram Panchayat to ensure a scientific & holistic approach for planning at the Gram Panchayat level. It is an important tool to ensure participatory planning at the implementation level. The GIS planning help to provide the geographical location of planned assets on a map, which integrates planning for works, optimises convergence plans and facilitates effective monitoring. At present 100 % GIS Planning is completed for the all GPS in the state.

The link to GIS planning portal is here

To ensure more transparency in the implementation of MGNREGS in all state of India including Maharashtra, from 16.05.2022 it is mandatory capturing of attendance at worksite through National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) App with geo-tagged time stamped photographs of the worker in a day, wherein muster rolls are issued for 20 or more workers.

The NMMS App permits taking real time attendance of workers atMahatma Gandhi NREGA worksites along with geo-tagged photographof workers twice in a day, one on or before 11 am and second, after 2pm. These photographs and attendance are available in public domain.This app aids in increasing the citizen oversight of the programme andis one more step towards transparency and accountability.
User Manual of NMMS.
Progress of NMMS Monitoring in the State
Proposed Enhancement in NMMS App

