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Planning Department (Employment Guarantee Scheme)

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In-Focus Programmes

In-focus programs are initiatives where the select works from the list of approved works are promoted as well as special emphasis were given during the implementation and monitoring of the MGNREGS in the state. The in-focus programs also include the convergence of MGNREGS and other schemes and programs implemented by the Government of India and the Government of Maharashtra.

The Mission Amrit Sarovar was started by the Government of India on 24th April 2022 to conserve water for the future. The Mission is aimed at developing and rejuvenating 75 water bodies in each district of the state as a part of celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. For More details visit Mission Amrit Sarovar website.

The Cluster Facilitation Program (CFP) has a vision of addressing poverty in aspirational districts/backward areas with a multi-pronged strategy of leveraging the synergies of different flagship programme of the Central Government/State Governments in convergence with MGNREGS through better coordination, planning and its implementation. The CFP programme is implemented in Eleven blocks of Six districts of state i.e. Amravati (Chikhaldara),Gadchiroli (Dhanora and Kurkheda), Gondia (Tiroda) , Nandurbar(Navapura, Akkalkuwa and Shahada), Osmanabad (Paranda and Kalamb) and Washim (Manora and Malegaon).

The CFP Programme Guidelines.
The Progress report of CFP at NREGASoft.
Cluster Facilitation Programme website.

The project "UNNATI" intends to upgrade the skill-base of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA workers, and thereby improve their livelihoods, so that they can move from the current partial employment to full employment and thereby reduce their dependence on Mahatma Gandhi NREGS.

Project Unnati Guidelines.
Project Unnati website.

Under this programme, the unskilled wage component of 90 days in construction of houses sanctioned under the
• Prime Minister AwasYojna (PMAY),
• Shabri Gharkul Yojna (For St beneficiary from Govt of Maharashtra)
• RamaiAwasYojna (For SC and Neo-Buddhist beneficiary from Govt of Maharashtra)
is to be covered in MGNREGS in creation of individual assets for vulnerable sections (only for households in Paragraph 5 of Schedule-I, MGNREGA).

The major objective of this convergences is to compensate the beneficiary for the foregone wage employment and thereby monetise the hitherto unaccounted unskilled wage component of the construction of houses under such schemes so that the durable assets are built up under MGNREGS; and quality of the houses is improved, enhancing the quality of life of rural poor.

PMAY Portal

Mission Water Conservation (MWC) focuses on strengthening the natural resource base, following types of activities are useful to fulfil the objectives of MWC:
a) In-site moisture conservation (e.g. Field bunding)
b) Ground water recharge structures (e.g. Percolation Tanks)
c) Water harvesting structures (e.g. Ponds)
d) Water conveyance structures (e.g. Feeder channels)
e) Works related to efficient use of water (e.g. Land development)
f) Structures for drainage of excess water (e.g. Diversion drains)

In Maharashtra, there are 143 block from 22 districts are identified as MWC blocks and they have to maintain at least 65% of the MGNREGS expenditure on Natural resource management related works. The MWC blocks also emphasises systematic and outcome-based planning by adopting ridgeto valley approach in planning and execution of water and soil conservation works. In these MWC blocks, watershed-based planning is recommended instead of planning standalone works.

Mission Water Conservation Progress

The mechanisation of Agriculture has promoted the usage of agriculture machinery in Sowing, inter-cultivation, harvesting, threshing and other works in agriculture.To facilitate the movement of these machinery, it is necessary to have suitable agricultural/irrigation roads for perennial crops at farm field and within villages, thus government of Maharashtra has launched “MatoshreeGramsamrudhiShet/Panand Rasta Scheme" for construction of farm and approach roads in the state. Under this initiative, the work related to Strengthening of existing farm/water kaccha roads and Construction of unpaved and unpaved roads by de-encroachment of farm/water road is taken.

This program meets the objective to provide unskilled work on demand and to build productive community assets and basic infrastructural facility in the rural areas.GR of  Matoshri Panand Rasta Yojna

Under Sharad Pawar Gram SamruddhiYojna, 4 type of individual work is given highest priority for eligible beneficiary seeking work in rural areas of whole of the state. The list of such works are as below

  1. Construction of Shed for Cow/Buffalo.
  2. Construction of goat rearing shed.
  3. Construction of poultry Shed.
  4. Construction of BhuSanjeevani NADEP Compost.

GR of Sharad Pawar Gram SamruddhiYojna

Under Category B Type of work, the MGNREGS focus on improving the livelihoods of vulnerable sections (households are in para 5 of Schedule I of MGNREGA) through horticulture, sericulture plantation, other kinds of plantation, and farm forestry.

To facilitate the horticulture and other plantation at the beneficiaries' field under MGNREGS, the Government of Maharastra has taken initiative wherein three types of the plantation i.e. Fruit Plantation, Flower, Medicinal, and spices are promoted. Under this initiative, the beneficiaries may apply for any of the 83 types of plantations for a maximum of 2 hectares of land. The plantation may be selected by applicants inv view of the local agroclimatic suitability of the plantation. A special mobile application is designed for the demand generation of applicants.

According to provision of MGNREGA, 2005, the District Program Coordinator is expected to prepare the labor budget of the MGNREGS in his district. The Government of Maharashtra has decided to prepare year 2022-23 labor budget as a Samruddhi Labor Budget. The EGS Department has adopted the principle of “मी समृद्ध तर गाव समृद्ध , गाव समृद्ध तर पर्यायाने माझा महाराष्ट्र समृद्ध" and taken many new iniatives to improve the living condition and alleviate poverty from the farmers/agricultural laborers and other people in the rural areas. Under Samrddhi Budget, instead of village as focal point of planning, the household will be considered as the focal point for the planning of Gram Panchayat labour budget of year. Under this new iniatives, the responsibility of the Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad and other participating agencies and line department of state government has been greatly increased so that the needy and poor families in the rural areas can be brought above the poverty line through MGNREGS. Under the Samruddhi Budget, the planning of labour budget is carried as below
S. No Details of Proceedings Responsible Officer Date of Completion of Proceedings
1 शिवार फेरी will be carried out in presence of Sarpanch/ Gram Panchayat Administrator, Gram Sevak, Gram Rozgar Sevak, Agriculture Assistant, Talathi and other government officials at the village level Given Rules and Instructions Under covid-19 should be strictly followed during Shiwar Ferry. District Program Coordinator, Collector and Assistant District Program Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad 07.09.2021 to 14.09.2021
2 Village/ Wadi/ तांडा फेरी Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat member, Gram Sevak Gram Rozgar Sevak, Tantamukti President and other members of the village regarding the community work to be conducted in the village. This round should be conducted following the guidelines in the context of covid-19 in the presence of dignitaries (A family-based review should be considered in line with Samruddhi Budget.) Block Development Officer Panchayat Samiti, Tehsildar and Block Level Officers of other regional bodies. 15.09.2021 to 20.09.2021
3 Officer Meeting at Gram Panchayat Level Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat administrator, gram sevak, Talathi , Agriculture Assistant, Anganvadi Tai , Gram Panchayat Member concerned Zilla Parishad School Principal and Sahayak Sikhshak etc. 21.09.2021 to 24.09.2021
4 Survey for Family Prosperity Block Development Officer Panchayat Samiti and Tehsildar. Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat Administrator, Gram Sevak, Talathi, Agricultural Assistant, Anganwadi Tai, Gram Panchayat Member Principal and Sahayak Sikhshak of respective Zilla Parishad School etc. 25.09.2021 to 30.09.2021
5 Action to be taken in respect of Gram Panchayat draft list Sarpanch / Village Development Officer / Secretary, Gram Panchayat 01.10.2021
6 Gram Sabha for a Prosperous Village All citizens and village level administrative officers in the electoral roll 02.10.2021
7 Objection to draft list after survey Sarpanch/ Village Development Officer/ Secretary, Gram Panchayat
8 Submission for final approval with disclosure of objections Sarpanch/ Village Development Officer/ Secretary , Gram Panchayat 05.10.2021 to 15.10.2021
9 Finalization of seniority list as per SECC-2011. Assistant District Program Coordinator and Block Development Officer 30.10.2021
10 Determining and finalizing the labor budget at Gram Panchayat level Sarpanch / Gram Sevak / Gram Rojgar Sevak / Zonal Officers / Employees of State Agencies 16.10.2021 to 30.10.2021
11 Compile all plans niyojan received at Gram Panchayat level and submit to the Panchayat Committee. Tehsildar/ Block Development Officer 05.12.2021
12 Approving the consolidated annual planning plan (Labour Budget – Varshik Niyojan) at the Block level by the Panchayat Committee and submitting it to the District Program Coordinator. Tehsildar/ Block Development Officer Dated till 20.12.2021
13 District program coordinators should submit the district annual plan and labor budget to the Zilla Parishad and get approval District Program Coordinator and Assistant District Program Coordinator Dated till 20.01.2022
14 District Program Coordinators to submit District Annual Plan and Labor Budget to MGNREGA Commissionerate District Program Coordinator Till 31.01.2022
The GR of Samruddhi Budget can be read here.
