1. Right to Job Card
Every household residing in any rural area is entitled to a Job Card which contains the names and photographs of all adult members of the household so that they can demand and receive work. The Job Card is a key document that records job seekers’ entitlements under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. It contains the updated details of work demanded and received; wages paid etc. For this reason, it is extremely important that an updated Job Card is available with the household at all times.
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 03, Page No. 10
2. Right to Unemployment Allowance
Section 7(1), Mahatma Gandhi NREGA: “If an applicant for employment under the Scheme is not provided such employment within fifteen days of receipt of his application seeking employment or from the date on which the employment has been sought in the case of an advance application, whichever is later, he shall be entitled to a daily unemployment allowance in accordance with this section.”
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 05, Page No. 18
3. Works under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA
The worker has to be allocated to a worksite preferably within 5 km of her/ his residence. Work has to be definitely provided within the Block. If work is allocated to a worker beyond 5 km of his residence, the worker has a right to get a travel allowance.
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 07, Page No. 33
4. Right To Notified Wage Rate
According to Section 6(1), Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, “Notwithstanding anything contained in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (11 of 1948), the Central Government, may by notification, specify the wage rate for the purposes of this Act:
Provided that different rates of wages may be specified for different areas:
Provided further that the wage rate specified from time to time under any such notification shall not be at rate less than sixty rupees a day.”
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 09, Page No. 65
5. Right to conduct Social Audit of all Mahatma Gandhi NREGA expenditure
The Mahatma Gandhi NREGA gives the Gram Sabha the right to Social Audit of all works and expenditures. This includes facilitation of the social audit through independent Social Audit Units, complete access to all records- online and offline, and pro-active disclosure through wall writings.
Section 17 of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, 2005 mandates the Gram Sabha to conduct Social Audits
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 10, Page No. 70
For more information , please refer https://nrega.nic.in/
6. Right to Demand and Receive work
Para 6, Schedule II:
“Every adult member of a registered household whose name appears in the job card shall be entitled to apply for unskilled manual work under the Scheme; and every such application shall be compulsorily registered, and a receipt issued with the date, which shall be entered in the computer system.”
Para 11, Schedule I:
“Work shall be provided within fifteen days, from the date of registration of the demand for work or the date from which work has been demanded in case of advance applications, whichever is later.”
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 04, Page No. 13
7. Right to Plan and Prepare a Shelf of Projects
All workers have a right to participate in the Gram Sabha/Ward Sabha and decide the works and the order of priority to be taken up under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for their Panchayat.
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 06, Page No. 21
8. Right to worksite facilities
Para 23, Schedule II of the Act: “The facilities of safe drinking water, shade for children and periods of rest, first aid box with adequate material for emergency treatment for minor injuries and other health hazards connected with the work being performed shall be provided at the work site.”
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 08, Page No. 63
9. Right To Receive Wages Within 15 Days
Section 3 (3) of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA provides that “Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the disbursement of daily wages shall be made on a weekly basis, or in any case not later than a fortnight after the date on which such work was done.”
Reference – Annual Circular Master 2024-25, Chapter 09, Page No. 65